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It has been a while since our last blog and the DaSRA Team has been busy.

Firstly, we have some fundraising events to announce which will help us pay off the balance of our community loan for the pavilion project (now down to $40,000). Come and join us for support the following events and we should (hopefully) achieve this by the end of the year.

So we have a few event coming up to help us achieve this firstly the Quiz Night

Darlington’s Own Special Gin – Yes some might call it Darling-Gin, either way this will be a limited Edition with a distinctive Darlington Flavors.

Darlington branded with original, iconic Artwork by Alastair Taylor and launched at the Comedy Night on 26th October.

Darlington Gin will also be available to order from the Wine Pavilion the Darlington Arts Festival 6-7th November

Pavilion Works

Rear Works & Paving

Funding from Shire of Mundaring will landscape the rear of the Pavilion will complete the project connect with the new Skate Park and lower recreation area. Work involves a new retaining wall, extra paving plus and greenery on the southern

side and upgrade to the water fountain area for skate park and pump track users. This is expected to be completed in July.

New Front Water Fountain

In conjunction with the Sports Clubs, a new water fountain will be installed on the oval side of the building for players to access during games and training.

Auspicing Works

The DaSRA LAMP Subcommittee headed up by David Grant has been flat out finalising components of the Lower Area Masterplan works including:

· Skate Park Extension COMPLETED

· Pump Track COMPLETED

· Grand Arbor Construction – COMPLETED

(Just the last bit of earth works for the fence to come down)

· Wetlands Walk Design Development – Estimated Completion August 21

The LAMP subcommittee has done an amazing job of delivering the these projects within budget (approx. $365,000).

Special thanks to the team of David Grant, Trish Cook, Sonja Parker, Michelle Jessop, Nathan Thompson and Allan Woodward, DaSRA Chair Geoff Barker and Landscape Architect Gerry Healy with valuable assistance from locals, David Lavell for his tireless pro bono engineering advice, earth-moving contribution from the Motivation Foundation and contractors Vogels Building, Common Ground and Hot Chilli Trails.

The LAMP project would not have been possible without the enthusiastic support of the Shire of Mundaring and the DaSRA Committee and to the Federal Government's Department of Health and the WA Government for their funding commitments.

Now the Grand Abor Is built it over the the Community Garden

Want to know more about the Darlington Community Garden - go to their Facebook Page

The NoiseBin Project – DaSRA is also auspcing this project to assist in raising funds. . The Noise Bin Subcommittee is headed up by Rosie Logie and major helping hand Ian Crawford and is a great opportunity for the Darlington Community and our kids. What’s a NoiseBin???

It's the most innovative and unconventional community project to come to Darlington in years. Young people, artists and engineers are co-designing and building a wildly creative, interactive community sculpture that rewards recycling of containers (and generates funds for the community).

Get the full details re this on the NoiseBin Website

Community Bonfire Event– Going Going …. But not entirely gone!

Unfortunately, the team running this popular event for the last few years are not in a position to run it again this year. Special thanks to Trish Cook and her team for all their work. With all its other commitments auspicing other projects, the DaSRA Committee aren’t able to take this on. However, The Darlington Volunteer Bushfire Brigade are considering doing a community Bonfire without the associated events on the day.

What else is ahead

The DaSRA Committee has decided to concentrate on completing its remaining tasks over the next 6 months to pay off the last of the community loan. Any support in attending the fundraising events above or volunteering to work at the Wine Pavilion in November would be greatly appreciated.

Don't Forget these products can be found online at the website for purchase



© 2020 Darlington Sports & Recreation Association (WA) Inc

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