At this time of the year it’s good to sit back and reflect on the past year, 2020 presented many unforeseen challenges. All the more reason to be proud of what has been achieved.
February/March saw Stage 2 of the Pavilion continue and the new and old buildings joined to form an eye-catching structure with new public toilets, meeting room, 6 store rooms, office, canteen, and refurbished changeroom facilities. Shire of Mundaring gave approval for the Mural.
And while that was going on the DCRAG Team managed to score funding for A brand-new project; the Lower Recreation Area Master Plan spearheaded by DCRAG, which came under DaSRA’s remit.
This saw a brand new DaSRA Subcommittee Headed up by David Grant to specifically work in the Project and they became known as LAMP – (Lower Area Master Plan)
· Planning and Construction of the Skate Park Extension
· Development and construction of the Pump Track
· Construction of the Grand Arbor for the Community Garden
· Development of the Wetland Walk from the Community Garden

In April, completion of stage two was announced and the Mural was finished By Alistair Taylor. Despite Covid delaying the planned official opening scheduled for May, the committee announced to the Darlington Community that the Pavilion was complete.

June/July - Local sport and rec clubs were handed keys to individual store rooms and also saw how fast the LAMP committee work with the Completion of the Skate Park Extension.
The impact of Covid made itself felt with the cancellation of planned fundraising activities causing funding concerns. Much needed funds became available through a Lotterywest Covid grant in August and then it was decided that we couldn't wait any longer.
Darlington Community Pavilion was finally, officially opened on September 19 2020

In October a frantic fundraising push for the downhill run saw the foundation (buy-a-brick) wall filling up fast (80 out of 500 bricks remain) and the committee breathed a sigh of relief when the DAF committee announced it would be going ahead with the arts festival, albeit in a reduced format, and the wine tent could be held at the new Pavilion for the first time.
In an inspiring example of what can be achieved by a strong and resourceful community October saw what happens when community comer together for the Annual Skate Event and also the Bone Fire Night
November also saw DAF & DaSRA come together to combine The Wine Tent and The Soir Noir Event to help raise much needed funds for each group . It was a great success with many patrons commenting on the improvement in terms of convenience (public toilets), space and variety of seating options, efficiency (indoor/outdoor canteen servery) and views that showed Darlington at its best.
We all felt an enormous sense of pride to see the Pavilion being fully embraced by the Darlington community.

Fundraising will need to continue into the new year to make up for Covid delays so keep an eye out for events especially the free Music Gig planned for January 23, or choose a Xmas gift from the ONLINE SHOP to keep the funds coming in - ALL proceeds will go towards repaying a bridging loan ($60,000) which enabled the Project to be completed in 2020.
And so, its pleasing to report the Darlington Pavilion has come of age 1975 to 2020! It will be amazing how this will blend in with what’s going on around the Pavilion with the hard work of LAMP
Late November has seen the construction of the pump track started and the wonderful work from the Motivation Foundation , they are supporting the community by doing the earth works . Hopefully the new Pump Track will be completed prior to Christmas with all things going to plan . It will be an exciting facility for young people of Darlington and surrounds.

We hope you all enjoy watching the projects develop, the end result will be more great facilities for the Darlington Community . Exciting achievements for DaSRA and all the great work put in by the extended sub committees and the volunteers of those groups, new and old – Great work team
2021 will be exciting with the balance of works on the Lower Area
the back of the Pavilion and the New Community Garden
Lastly it was all the more gratifying for those involved to sit on the Pavilion veranda , front and back during the Arts Festival and celebrate the achievement. So if you didn't get to the Pavilion at DAF here is a little video so you can have a look
So Merry Xmas and have a great New Year
and we look forward to seeing you down at the Pavilion Gig on the 23rd Jan
