DaSRA 2021 A Year In Review

At this time of the year it’s good to sit back and reflect on the past year and 2021 presented many unforeseen challenges.
All the more reason to be proud of what has been achieved
Before we start, are you lost for gifts for Xmas ?
There is still time to order the very special Darlington Gin if you order before the Monday 13th Dec they say you will recieve it in time for Xmas - More about Darligton later
Saw the next Installment of the Pavilion Gig Coordinated by Geoff Barker and Glenn Wissen. This was another outstanding Free Family Community event enjoyed by many.
So put the next installment of of the FREE Community Pavilion Gig which will be on
22 Jan 2022, 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm at Darlington Community Pavilion

Realignment Of Darlington Oval was initially discussed at the beginning of the Pavilion Project in 2006 after the junior sporting clubs identified it as a need and wanted to better accommodate all junior teams and deal with the tree roots on the oval. So in March 2021 it was suggested we start to look at how this might work. Paul McDonald, Pavilion Architect and long-time DaSRA committee member worked on the initial dimensions and plans for the realignment of the oval
This discussion is now open for public comment and don't forget to have your say either Yes , No , Maybe or Otherwise , all comments and feedback will be presented to DCRAG in the new year
Saw another auspiced task come to DaSRA bring The Noise Bin Project and Driven by Ian Crawford with the assistance of Rosie Logie & Geoff Barker, this really exciting project was to manage the design+build of a container collection point as an interactive sculpture, adjacent to the Darlington Community Garden and Skate Park. More importantly we saw an opportunity for young people to take a leading role in the community, given the right mentoring and support. The NoiseBin Collective have the skills and time to provide this which involves the local schools students getting involved
A Film - “Darlington: Belonging – The Importance of Community '' supported by DaSRA was first introduced. Chair Geoff Barker said that it captured the attention of a filmmaker and he is currently in negotiations regarding process and cost. So you will hear more about that in the new year.
Want to watch the Short Darlington Junior Football Club Documentary from its 50th Season a few years ago again…. You can find it by clicking here
The saw the construction start on the Pavilion Rear Landscaping which involved more paving , retaining walls and extra lawn and a new tree to the north end. So when it comes to getting one's hand dirty Vice Chair Sturat Aldred is never far away at all events and the building projects and has even been seen giving the lawn a quick trim before events
The Quiz Night The 2021 Quiz Night was held in August and again set up and run by Lindsay & Kendall Earnshaw who put together their trust helpers and went down as one of the best. Great atmosphere and generosity …. even the questions were fun, and we raised a staggering $11,500 for the Pavilion Project. THANKS EVERYONE! Thanks also to the following donors and supporters: JB Butchers Glen Forrest, The Hive Darlington, Matthew Hughes, Pharmacy 777, Alanna Clohesy, Bunnings Midland, Dingo Brewery, James and Gill Miller.
David Grant who headed up the DaSRA Lamp Sub Committee saw all his efforts on display at the 26th Sept Open Day which was A CELEBRATION of the New Community Garden Group and the completion of the Construction of the Skate Park, Pump Track & The Grand Arbour. Special thanks to David and the DaSRA Lamp Sub Committee team of Trish Cook, Sonja Parker, Michelle Jessop, Nathan Thompson and Allan Woodward, DaSRA Chair Geoff Barker and Landscape Architect Gerry Healy plus the valuable assistance from David Lavell for his tireless pro bono engineering advice. Thanks also to the Motivation Foundation which is run by Committee member Tim Hunter for their earth-moving contribution and contractors Vogels Building, Common Ground and Hot Chilli Trails.
Gin & Giggles Night - an unexpected event. The Wine Tent Subcommittee thought they could squeeze something else in and they thought they would launch the New Darlington Gin with a Comedy Night at the hall for a 150 person sit down entertainment. With Wendy & David Kozak, Matt & Carrie Parsons, Cam Giles & Tracy Chivers plus Nat Nash made the night a cracking success.
As always at all these events the amazing Committee Member Gabby Holdswroth, she was on hand chipping in , selling tea shirts , bricks , taking orders for gin . Gabby has been looking after all these things across a range of events and is a great asset to the DaSRA team, especially when dealing with one such committee members constant faux pas with his grammerrrr in corrispondence
So this Darlington Gin is available online ( A Perfect Christmas Gift -if you order before the 13th Dec ) or why not buy some Prints or Tee Shirts maybe a number plate. Jump over to the Shop on the Website and get you orders in
Did we mention that DaSRA received a substantiation donation from Wise Wine from the sale of every bottle of Darlington Gin - A Community Win with Darlington Gin .
The Wine Tent @ DAF well it should be called the Wine Pavilion and what a fabulous setting it was. The Team of Cambell Giles, Wendy Kozak, Matt Parson and the unofficial David Kozak and his trusty sidekicks Pepin & Chloe ( and Harry ) put on a great weekend and another great event. With the newly completed lower area facilities on display, patrons were able to enjoy views from the Pavilion back verandah looking over the Pump Track , Skate Park and the newly completed Grand Arbour for the Community Garden. Special shout out to all those volunteers who helped in and about this.
Nov - Community Garden Lease
Speaking of the rear area where thats where The New Community Garden is and the completed Grand Arbour . The Connsitiution of the Darlington Community Garden wasnow in place and Incorporated so DaSRA was able to assign the lease area around the Grand Arbour over to the Community Garden Group. Want to know more re the DCG then have a look on their web link
Nov - AGM - New Faces
The AGM was also held and Special thanks to David Grant who decided to stand down after the completion of the LAMP Subcommittee Projects and we can't thank David enough for all his efforts
The AGM saw some regulars continue “ for one more year” ( so they say ) but it also saw an old face return to the group in Rebeca deRooy ready to assist in where DaSRA will head in the coming years. Rebecca was part of the team driving the Pavilion Project before the formation of DaSRA Inc . We also hope to announce some other new faces to the team after the next committee meeting
At the beginning of this year the Committee set its objective to have the Community Loan from the generous Colin James repaid by Christmas 2021. Through the hard work of all involved this has now been achieved. So firstly a big THANK YOU once again to Colin James for his generosity, secondly a big THANK YOU to the Committee and all the various volunteers from Sporting Clubs and the community, for making the events and activities such a roaring success.

Whilst the loan might be repaid we still need some more funds to finish a number of jobs.
LAST CHANCE TO BUY A BRICK - yep let those you know who havent that there are less than 50 bricks left….
The Rear Works upgrade is still not quite finished but the first stage is just about done , paving, retaining wall , tree planted and grass and retic install . Stage 2 of this will include some shade coverage to the rear , funds permitting
There is still some modification to the Kitchen and relocation of some equipment in there. Ther is the installation of the New Water Fountain which will be over near the cricket scoreboard and cricket nets. This is much needed for when all the kids are at training for their various sports. The other water fountain at the back will stay where it is and maybe get a little tidy up and maybe even a little dog bowl.
We need to get the roof modification and new gutter installation to the main roof which we hope will stop some of the water blowing back under the verandah during winter.
We still looking into Solar Batteries and sharing the poweras well
DaSRA will continue to moderate the discussion and feedback on the Sporting Club Proposed Realignment which will be presented for discussion at the next DCRAG Meeting next year
So Merry Xmas and Happy New Year
Hope to see you at the Pavilion Gig in January

L-R Cam Giles, Paul McDonald, Geoff Barker, Tim Hunter , Stu Aldred , Lindsay Earnshaw, David Grant, Gabby Holdsworth
What an amazingly successful year!! Very imprerssive. Well Done everyone 😊