A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated time and resources to make the Wine Tent at this year’s DAF such a wonderful and successful event. In excess of $15,000 was raised. A special thank you to the Musicians who performed over the three days.
DaSRA is at a critical point in terms of fund raising through major grants for the Darlington Community Pavilion Stage 2 eluding us so far. However there are a number of local initiatives which are in planning for implementation over the coming three months.
MAJOR RAFFLE with two original Robert Juniper Oils as the two prizes, donated by Juniper Galleries. Ticket as per below

Drawn: 27 January 2019,
Result on DaSRA Website: 31 January 2019
Permit Contact: Geoff Barker (0418 953 176)
1St Prize: Original Robert Juniper Small Oil Framed [Value $4,500]
Kindly Donated by Juniper Galleries
41a Dalry Road Darlington
2nd Prize: Original Robert Juniper Small Oil Framed [Value $3,500]
Kindly Donated by Juniper Galleries
41a Dalry Road Darlington
DLGR Licence No. - LS212385418
Ticket Price: $20 (Limit of 500 Tickets)
All Proceeds to Darlington Sports & Recreation Association (WA) Inc - Pavilion Stg 2
PAVILION MUSIC EVENT 27 JANUARY 2018 – to celebrate a year since the opening of the Community Pavilion, we will be holding another music event showcasing emerging young bands, local and invited musicians, and a grand finale again featuring Blue Manna with special guest Dave Hole. It will be an opportunity for a family picnic on the oval listening to quality music from 5.00pm, with the atmosphere ramping up to Blue Manna at around 8.15pm.
$10 donation per Adult requested as a donation to the Pavilion Stage 2 Fund, children under 15 free.
Food vans present
DASRA T-SHIRTS – the Alastair Taylor artwork [donated by Alastair for fundraising purposes] featured on a T-shirt – White $39.00, Black $57.00 all proceeds to Pavilion Stage 2 Fund. Please proceed to website for ordering – www.darlingtonpavilion.com.au or there are forms at Perrella’s Café.
ALASTAIR TAYLOR DRAWING – A limited number print run of A4 signed and numbered Prints, as featured on the T-Shirt, Unframed $85. Please proceed to website for ordering – www.darlingtonpavilion.com.au or there are forms at Perrella’s Café.

Trades/Supplies for Stage 2 such as roofing iron are sought contact Geoff Barker 0418 953 176