STAGE 2 - WORK CONTINUES With the completion of the Paving in front of the old Change-rooms, DaSRA is now planning for the next range of jobs.
Firstly, the roof at the front section of the Change-rooms needs to be replaced. The Shire of Mundaring has agreed for DaSRA to manage this job and we are in the process of proceeding with the work which involves the following
Drawings - Architect Paul McDonald, Matthews McDonald Architects, is in the process of preparing a set of drawings. Seek Expressions of Interest to engage a local Builder.
Submit Plans for the issue of a Building License.
Engage a builder to manage the contract using local trades to implement the work.
Secondly, construction of 4 new Store rooms at the rear of the existing change-rooms. Please contact Chairman Geoff Barker on 0418 953 176 if you can assist with any of the above work.
LANDSCAPING Gerry Healy has produced a draft Landscaping Master plan for the area behind the Pavilion. Gerry, DaSRA, DCRAG, Darlington Community Garden and Mundaring Shire representatives met recently. The draft will be submitted to all community organisations for endorsement after which it will be formally presented to the Shire for approval to proceed to a detailed design.

FIRST 100 GOLD NAME PLAQUES ON THE FOUNDATION MEMBERS WALL! DaSRA is very pleased to announce that the first 100 gold name plaques have been placed on the Foundation Members Wall (thanks to Maree Aldred , Stuart Aldred, Cambell Giles). Once complete, the wall will serve as an enduring reminder of the community's generous support of the Darlington Community Pavilion. There are a limited number of bricks left so if you are planning to Buy A Brick see the website at or contact Cambell Giles on 0418 936 544.
FUND RAISING Thank you to Alison Atkinson for her perseverance and assistance in grant writing especially related to the proposed Art Installation on the end wall of the Pavilion which will be a community inspired and Youth actioned work. Cash Donations this month totaled $6,300. Thanks to Veeco Laundry Systems, Sheppard's Hut Wines and a private donation. Thanks also to Gabby & Joe Houldsworth and Advance Architectural Products for sponsoring the new temporary fencing for use at future Pavilion events.
QUIZ NIGHT - September 1st at the Boya Community Hub. Bookings are going well with half the tables already booked so if you are planning to attend it's a good idea to book asap to avoid disappointment. There will be an active and a silent auction plus other prizes. Dinner for 8 at Parliament House (donated by Matthew Hughes MLA) is the winning table's prize. This is our major fundraising event for the year and prizes and donations are gratefully received. If you can help in any way contact Lindsay Earnshaw on 0405 146 251.
PAVILION SECURITY - USERS GUIDE : Security of the Pavilion is paramount. There have been a few issues regarding lockup and lighting control so an 'Instructions to Users' guide will be located just inside the Pavilion to ensure the facility is locked securely and lighting is turned off.
ASSISTANT BAR MANAGER NEEDED URGENTLY 3-4TH NOVEMBER. We are still seeking a Bar Manager to take on a share of rostered time slots in the Wine Tent at the Darlington Arts Festival. DaSRA is willing to pay for you to complete a Bar Manager's course if you already have a Responsible Servers of Alcohol (RSA) certificate. Contact Mick O’Reilly 0418 629 311 if you are interested.