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The Darlington Community Pavilion User Groups Grows

Darlington Review May 18

Local Clubs & Groups Using the Pavilion Grows

The following sporting and local organisations are now using the new Darlington Community Pavilion for their regular meetings and events :

  • Darlington Sports & Recreation Association (WA) Inc.

  • Darlington Community Recreation Management Committee

  • Darlington Club

  • Darlington Arts Festival

  • Darlington Residents & Ratepayers Association

  • Darlington Junior Football Club

  • Darlington Junior Cricket Club

  • Darlington Social Cricket Club

  • Darlington History Group

  • Darlington Dipsticks

Does your community or sport group need a meeting space? The Pavilion is a public building for the benefit of the community. All bookings are done through the Shire of Mundaring.

Stage 2 Update - Back to the Drawing Board

After the excitement and activity on-site during construction of stage 1 in 2017, it's back to the drawing board in preparation for stage 2 but we need to keep the momentum going so there is a lot happening behind the scenes. Architect Paul McDonald is putting together construction and building drawings for the store room in readiness for the building licence application and final approvals for solar panel installation. Of course the fundraising sub-committee is also very busy applying for grants and planning fundraising activities for 2018.

Call To Arms - Brick Paving Helpers Needed

The next project is to complete the brick paving in front of the old pavilion. With 125 square metres brick paving to be done plus concrete edging and compacting, if you can help please contact Stuart Aldred on 0418 928 690.

Buy-A-Brick (Foundation Members Wall )

Of the 500 bricks available, 406 bricks have been sold to date ($40,600 raised). There are still bricks available and not everyone wants to use their space on the wall so it still remains a major source of funding for stage 2. Name plaques for bricks already purchased will be installed shortly.

If you want to buy a brick, contact Cambell Giles on 0418 936 544 or see details on the website at website - Buy-A-Brick.

Quiz Night -

Why not get in early and book a table at the quiz night being planned for July/August (date will be on the website soon under events ) Donations gratefully received and volunteers are needed. Contact Lindsay Earnshaw on 0405 146 251.

Genaral Project Enquiries - Geoff Barker on 0418 953 176.


© 2020 Darlington Sports & Recreation Association (WA) Inc

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