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Stage 1 - Done

Darlington Review Feb 2018


"Conceived by many, a community Pavilion we can all be very proud of .... and one everlasting" . These words, from Colin James sum up the Darlington Community Pavilion project. Colin was the Secretary on the Darlington Community Recreation Management Committee (DCRMC) in 2005 when concerns were raised about the oval facilities, in particular the poor state of the change-rooms. Still involved 13 years later, he recalls how the decision to build a community Pavilion came about :

"In September 2005 a combined meeting of Darlington Social Cricket Club; Darlington Club; Darlington Junior Football Club and Darlington Junior Cricket Club presented a report on what needed to be done to improve the facilities on Darlington Oval.

In May 2006 the Shire of Mundaring estimated a cost of $480,000 for the project including parking and demolition of the existing building but advised the Shire had no money to contribute at that time. In late 2006 all clubs and delegates from the DCRMC again raised concerns about the lack of room and poor condition of the change-rooms.

In 2007 I wrote to the CEO of the Mundaring Shire asking if the Shire would support an application to build a new oval pavilion on the basis that there would be no capital expenditure other than the annual recurring operational cost.

Mundaring Shire responded in March 2008 that they were not opposed to the idea and by the end of 2009 the committee became more focussed and commenced specific Darlington Community Pavilion meetings and .... one would say, the rest is now history. All the amazing work Architects Paul McDonald and Leonie Matthews undertook with models, designs and public meetings and the deliverance by Geoff Barker and Cambell Giles to drive this project forward, with assistance from Stuart Aldred and especially Lindsay Earnshaw in fund raising and David Earnshaw who was a very strong mover in getting us to where we are today - attending meetings with the Shire; chairing DCRMC/DCRAG meetings and administering legal advice. Where did those 13 years go!"

Onward to Stage 2

Fundraising has already begun and includes a new kitchen, kiosk, storage and change-rooms. Stage 2 will be broken down into smaller components culminating in the joining of the two buildings.

Formal Opening Stage 1 & Foundation Members Wall

The Formal Opening of Stage 1 is planned for 3rd February. There is still time to get your name on the Foundation Members Wall inside the Pavilion and tax deductible donations can be made through the Australian Sporting Foundation (ASF).

Visit for further details or contact Cambell Giles on 0418 936 544 or Geoff Barker on 0418 953 176.


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