To date we have raised a significant proportion of the funds for Stage One of the Sports Pavilion but fundraising is a daunting task (we are still $60,000 short of the total) and have started the process of raising funds for Stage Two which includes the upgrade of existing club rooms and canteen facilities. Some of the grants previously accessed for Stage One will not be available for Stage Two so DASRA needed to look at other options.
With this in mind we applied to the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) and are pleased to announce the Darlington Sports Pavilion Development Fundhas been endorsed by them. So, what does this mean?
The ASF has unique Deductible Gift Recipient status and offer resources to promote not only the Pavilion project but future DCRMC & DASRA projects. Through ASF, the Darlington Sports Pavilion Project will have its own page on their website, complete with photographs and other information to attract donors, and accept donations using online donation facilities, which makes it even easier for donors to pledge their support. So everyone benefits.
Want to know more about your ability to make a tax deductible donation through the ASF?
Check out our website for full details and links www.darlingtonpavilion.com.au
Don't worry if you have already donated. We will be in touch with supporters who have already purchased bricks, to explain how this can still work for you.
It is now possible to visualise where name tags will go in the 500 brick feature wall under construction (pictured left). There are about 176 Bricks left - if you want yours or your family's name on the wall be quick!
Corporate Business Donations & Supporters
Being under the ASF umbrella offers potential tax deduction options (conditions apply) so if you are a company or business you can nominate the Darlington Sports Pavilion Development Fund as your preference to where funds are allocated. More details on our website but corporate or business are advised to contact Cambell Giles on 0418 936 544.
If you don't need tax deductibility then buy-a-brick via the usual methods - visit the website - Buy-A-Brick.
Wine Tent at the Darlington Arts Festival (bar staff and help on the night is needed). call Mick Reilly on 0418 629 311 or Emma Reid on 0439 942 794
Darlington Number Plates - are still available. Ordering and selecting your number is easy on our website.
Things are going very well despite weather interruptions.
A Busy Bee is scheduled for the 2nd weekend of September to remove paving and concrete slab
In-kind Support Suppliers - We are currently working with several suppliers on a range of products to reduce costs and need the services of a Turf supplier so if you know of anyone who can help please contact Paul McDonald on 0412 610 194.
A lane-way is required to separate the buildings at this stage because stage one is a community facility and stage two is a sport facility and subject to different funding sources.
Design - Stage Two : Some consideration is being given to reconfiguring the canteen to larger and more flexible access/use.
Use of The Pavilion - Currently clarifying how user groups and clubs can work with the building. The office will not be used by anyone other than DCRMC/DASRA/DAF but the canteen will always be open and available for public use. The Pavilion and Community Rooms will be available for bookings but not late night parties/events, these types of bookings will continue to be directed to the Darlington and Lesser Halls where a booking process is already in place. Mundaring Shire will handle the booking process for the Pavilion.
FUNDING FOR STAGE TWO (upgrade of the old club rooms) - DaSRA is in the process of submitting a Community Sport and Recreation submission for stage Two in the 2018/2019 financial year. Unfortunately the Shire of Mundaring has not included the change-rooms in their forward planning documents, however DASRA will be applying for their support, based on their current ownership and management, to enable a formal application to be submitted for a community build project with the Department of Sport and Recreation in September 2017.