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Construction is about to begin

Darlington Review

Last month we were pleased to announce DaSRA had been given the go-ahead to proceed to construction. You may have noticed concrete infrastructure at the Pavilion site and by the time you read this report, earthworks should be well under way for septic tank and leach drain installation.

Some concerns have been expressed regarding impact on oval use so now that construction is about to start, DaSRA will keep you informed as it happens via this monthly report, the website and Facebook. We ask for your patience and understanding during construction, rest assured we understand the need to minimize the disruption to oval users.


Best estimates based on projections about weather and availability of trades and Subcontractors are as follows :

  • There will be no work done on the existing building until the end of the project, except for disruption to power, water and sewerage waste disposal. See below for more information.

  • May 22 - Tree lopping behind the existing change rooms.

  • May 24 - Earthworks and installation of new septic tanks and leach drains behind existing change rooms. Safety fence to be erected to enable continued use of Public toilets, Canteen and Change rooms.

  • June 10 to 14 - Earthworks (new building) including removal of old septic tanks and leach drains.

  • June 13 to 24 -Power, water and sewerage disposal facilities in the change rooms out of action to allow for the removal of old infrastructure and connection of existing change room facilities to new Septic Tank and leach drains. Temporary water supply to be available.

  • June 13 to 24 -Trench for new power cable (and possibly Water Supply) from front of Fire Station to Pavilion site, passing along the edge of the Fire Station close to the Oval (3m distance from trench to nearest part of playing field) and following pine log fence behind the goals to new building site.

A temporary safety fence (extending to the pine log fencing) will be erected around the whole Pavilion site which will limit parking in the area between the fire station and existing change rooms.

  • A path to the Public Toilets and Canteen will remain accessible once the existing toilets and canteen are connected to the new septic system.

Please Note : During construction, there may be times when the builder is required to be assertive in ensuring duty of care for on-site workers and to protect the building site, particularly where issues of safety are concerned.


Despite having enough funds for the first stage of the project (see site plan above), with a loan of $100,000 to be repaid, we need to continue fundraising so please support any of the following fund raising options:

  1. Cash and Monetary donations through any of the sporting organisations or directly to DaSRA.

  2. Buy-a-Brick - if you haven’t purchased yours yet please refer to the DaSRA Website: . There will be a Foundation Supporters Brick Wall inside the Pavilion, also a Thank-You function and ticket in a Special Foundation Supporters Prize. Business wanting to make a tax deductible donation can talk to Cambell Giles on 0418 936 544.

  3. In-Kind Support - donations of materials, trades, equipment, products and hardware need to be formally offered and registered as “Pledges” to support our submission to Mundaring Shire Council.

  1. Please support our Major Fund Raising events in 2017:

  2. Major Prize Raffle

  3. Big Quiz Night - 26th August 6.30pm Mt Helena Recreation Centre. A table of 8 is $160. See website for tickets or call Kendall on 0417 981 353. We are seeking volunteers and raffle prizes.

  4. Darlington Arts Festival Wine Tent - 1st weekend in November

  5. Darlington Number Plates - Secure an iconic Darlington number plate - see website for details.

  6. - your contributions, ideas, involvement and participation are most welcome and feedback is appreciated. Please contact the President, Geoff Barker on 0418 953 176 or Email


© 2020 Darlington Sports & Recreation Association (WA) Inc

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