How DaSRA Started
Darlington Sports & Recreation Assiocation (WA) Inc
Darlington Community Recreational Management Committee (DCRMC) was Standing Committee of Mundaring Shire and is now know as Darlington Community Recreation Advisory Group (DCRAG) This committee comprised of representatives from the following:
Darlington Arts Festival
Darlington Junior Football Club
Darlington Junior Cricket Club
Darlington Social Cricket Club
Darlington Club
Darlington Rate Payers Association
Darlington Tennis Club
Darlington Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
Darlington Primary School P&C
One Mundaring Councilor
Two Community Members
DaSRA was formed out of the long-standing DCRMC Sub Committee "The Pavilion Project" . It was decided that as the Shire of Mundaring would not fund the project a separate Association was required so the community could self-fund and self-build the pavilion.
The objects of the Association are-
The procurement of infrastructure and facilities for the benefit of sporting, recreation and community requirements within and relating to the Darlington Community.
The support and promotion of community sports, community recreation and community activities, and especially where there is a benefit to youth and the younger members of the community.